• Question: What is your favourite thing about science

    Asked by anon-196023 to Sebastian, Paddy, Lee, Jennifer, Fiona, Eleanor on 7 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Fiona Scott

      Fiona Scott answered on 7 Mar 2019:

      My favourite thing about science is that it explains a lot of the everyday. I love finding out how the world works, for me personally at a molecular level which is why I got interested in chemistry

    • Photo: Jennifer Harris

      Jennifer Harris answered on 8 Mar 2019:

      My favourite thing about science is the problem solving and inquisitive way of thinking. I also love human biology specifically.

    • Photo: Sebastian Cosgrove

      Sebastian Cosgrove answered on 13 Mar 2019:

      I like the problems that you can solve with science. As Fiona said, it explains so much of what happens in the world around us, and with this understanding we can use it to change things for the better and help society in so many ways!
